Who we are?
Our website address is

What personal data do we collect and why do we collect it?
When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the contact form.

Uploading Media's ?
Uploading images to the website is not acceptable.

Embedded content on this website is?
Google map on this site may include embedded content (Embedded content from Google map)
These websites may not collect any data about you, and no additional third-party tracking.

Where do we send your data?
Visitor comments may be checked through our sales department.

Your contact information?
when you are going to fill out the contact form, If you are interested in purchasing any materials or spare parts, etc.. then only we are going to contact you to get further details.

Additional information?
No additional information we get other than the email address

How do we protect your data?
We are protecting our site by SSL/TLS.

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